Kelli Talving

Farmer at Ahisilla Taluaia

Kelli is a farmer just 40 km outside of Tallinn. Together with her husband she started a farm -Ahisilla taluaed- based on regenerative practices mere 4 years ago. The small diverse farm is known for their eggs from pastured hens, vegetables and cut flowers.

Ahisilla taluaed has a local self service farm shop, but most of the produce goes to the retail and to a few renowned restaurants in Tallinn.

Kelli sees that there is a lot of interest in diverse and sustainable farming in Estonia, but “the soil is not yet prepared” for the seed to take off.

Before going into agriculture, Kelli studied communications in Tallinn University and managed Internal Communications for a decade in the Baltics biggest logistics company.

She is an active member of Estonian Young Farmers’ Association